St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish exists to form and send forth a community of disciples of Jesus Christ who witness by joyfully living the Gospel.
Where we are going, as a parish, through 2027:
Since 2014, we have been abundantly blessed as a parish. As a church community, we have met all of our long-term goals set in the 2016 Pastoral Plan and grown into a thriving community of God with numerous ministries.
Now guided by the Holy Spirit and our parishioners’ CARA survey input in 2021, we will strive to maintain all the graces of the past five years, and we will especially seek to grow further in the following areas over the next 3 – 5 years:
Goal 1.1: Foster an atmosphere of welcome where all feel accepted and inspired to participate in parish ministries.
Goal 1.2: Develop outreach programs that serve those affected by mental health issues and addiction.
Goal 1.3: Develop outreach programs that support the elderly, the single, those with struggling marriages, the divorced, and the LGBTQ+ community.
Goal 1.4: Invite the unchurched and fallen away Catholics into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Goal 2.1: Encourage our community to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through retreats, spiritual direction, and a personal prayer life.
Goal 2.2: Increase understanding of our Catholic faith through faith formation opportunities.
Goal 2.3: Offer additional times for the Sacraments and promote increased participation in the Sacraments.
Goal 3.1: Empower parishioners to be witnesses of the Catholic faith in their personal and professional lives.
Goal 3.2: Partner with a New Orleans area parish and build a cultural bridge by engaging in activities that support them and us spiritually and materially.
Goal 3.3: Create an international mission team that partners with a developing country parish and sponsors mission trips to and from that parish in order to support them spiritually and materially.
Goal 4.1: Educate parishioners on what true discipleship means and identify a comprehensive discipleship school for ministry leaders and parishioners.
Goal 4.2: Identify a lay leadership program that empowers the laity to take initiative in ministries and apostolates.
Goal 5.1: Increase parish meeting spaces to accommodate additional ministries.
Goal 5.2: Improve and expand school facilities to allow for an early childhood learning center and additional modern classroom space.
Goal 5.3: Increase parking spaces for parish activities.