My Eucharistic Experience, Holy Week April 8th 2021
I had been away from the Church for many years. Since I have returned in the past 3-4 years, I have been guided back to Mass, Holy Days, Alpha classes and then, this year, my first Confession in decades.
As a child / teenager my Catholic Church experiences were very traumatic. A harsh priest and Catechism poorly structured (fasting, High Mass then hours with the nuns) left me ready to jump out of my skin. After that I had a phobic aversion toward going to Mass. Over the years, I have been absent from the Catholic Church. During these times I have attended other churches. Also while in the Navy I attended Mass on ships or in the field in a calm way. Random Masses in hospitals where I worked for years were not anxiety-producing.
The first recent years of my return were not easy. I could hardly wait for Mass to end and had to leave early a few times. COVID provided an opportunity for me to decompress by being home and watching Mass on TV. I think there were two turning points: my friend Lynn’s support and encouragement, and two sessions of Alpha classes. My anxiety and desire to leave improved greatly.
However, my most significant change came at the 7 pm Holy Thursday Mass. At Communion time, I walked in the line to receive my host. When I received it, there was a definite sweet taste. I thought, hmm, is it Easter?? When I knelt down, a flow of warmth and relaxation passed over my mind. Not my skin or scalp but more a wave of emotional calmness. I even said to myself “Oh wow this feels really good, I hope it lasts.”
On the way home, I asked Lynn if her host tasted sweet. She looked at me strangely and said no. Over the next few days, the experience stayed on my mind. Did someone add sweetener? Was this a different batch of hosts? Did anyone else have the same sensation? So I asked Lynn again about her host and my taste sensation. She said no and said, “You might have had a spiritual experience with Jesus.” I wondered, could there be a change in taste for medical reasons? Do I need an MRI? Did others report what I had noticed?
Early in the following week I telephoned Father Tim, told him my story and asked two questions. 1) Did anyone else say their host tasted sweet and 2) Were the batch of hosts any different from the past. He answered NO to each question. He added, “You have made my day”. Have I received / experienced a spiritual gift? This has now garnered my full attention. I have been to communion a few times more since my “event” and the hosts are like always, not sweet. I have had no other sweet tastes or smells after this singular experience. No matter what, how or why, my perspective has been positively altered for the better. I am ready now to expand my relationship with Jesus in a happier, personal way.
James P Marra MD