I grew up in a Catholic family and went to Catholic school. I learned a lot about our Catholic faith through religion class and I went to mass on weekends because I was supposed to. I got to college and my time was filled with football games and new friends. I went to mass if it fit into my schedule, but sadly, many times it did not.
After college, I church hopped around New Orleans, attending whatever mass fit my schedule for the weekend, but I didn’t have a place where I felt at home. I didn’t have a community. Attending mass felt different as an adult because I wanted to attend and grow in my relationship with God, and it was a great time for reflection, but I still felt like something was missing. I knew I was told Jesus was truly present in the Eucharist, but I always took it for face value and never felt a true connection there, and I certainly wasn’t talking about Jesus in my life with others.
I stopped church hopping and started attending mass at St. Catherine on a regular basis and decided to finally join the parish in late 2019 after about 2 years of attending mass and sitting back in the corner. Everyone I encountered was always very kind, but I didn’t allow myself to truly join the community. When I joined the parish, Father Tim called to welcome me, and he suggested that I get involved. We talked about CYO, Alpha, and the Young Adult group.
I slowly started getting involved by signing up for the Young Adult Advent Series where I reconnected with someone from high school who is now one of my closest friends. I then became a CYO adult volunteer and signed up for the next session of Alpha- only because I convinced a friend to do it with me, though. It is in this time that my experience and relationship with God changed. I went from sitting in the back corner trying to blend in, to spending multiple nights a week here in my newfound community that brought me so much joy. Now, when I walk into church, I head to the middle, usually with a friend I have made here at St. Catherine. When I kneel down to make the sign of the cross before entering my pew, I take the time to truly acknowledge my Lord and Savior as I feel His presence in the church. I feel him working in me each time I walk into the church, I see him in the teens every time I walk into the CYO room, and at young adult events, I feel his presence flowing through each of us.
I had the pleasure of having my feet washed on Holy Thursday this year. Immediately after my foot was washed and kissed, I felt a sense of warmth go through my body, a fiery sensation. I knew Jesus was alive inside of me! I walked back to the pew, where I was sitting with 10 of my young adult community friends. What a change that was from the girl who used to sit in the back hiding! I couldn’t wait to tell everyone about my experience! Before I could even tell the story, a friend told me she sees me as a fire pit with embers flying out it, only my embers are me sharing the word and love of Jesus. I had never felt more on fire with Jesus’ love and presence in my life.
I now know, without a shadow of a doubt, that if I did not truly receive Jesus in the Eucharist each week, I could not spread the embers of His word and love to everyone in my life. I proudly tell anyone I encounter about the time I spend at SCS, the amazing community of friends I have gained through the parish, and how proud I am to be an adult volunteer guiding the teens of our parish as they navigate and grow in their faith. I no longer shy away from sharing the good news and love of Jesus because I know personally how a relationship with Him is life changing in the most joyful way! And having a personal relationship with Him and knowing He truly lives within me is the best gift of all!